Cooperative Capacity Partners

The genesis of CCP goes back to 1995, when Eric Wolterstorff encountered a description in the psychoanalytic tradition of how, after a war or natural disaster, societies fragment and begin infighting. From this, Dr. Wolterstorff defined a testable model and related interventions. Since then, Dr. Wolterstorff and colleagues have been testing the models and interventions in the field with individuals, family groups,
organizations, and societies.

Dr. Wolterstorff first applied the models, which are based on how humans respond to traumas, to individuals and families. He and his students established Trauma Dynamics, which continues to research and teach protocols for helping traumatized individuals and families.


Cooperative Capacity Partners increases power sharing, cooperation, and performance of partnerships globally so countries can take charge of their own development.

We do this by transferring a set of tools to organizations and consultants committed to collaboration, partnerships, and measurable results.


Cooperative Capacity Partners envisions a world in which home country organizations lead highly collaborative development partnerships, supported by a community of Cooperative Capacity Partners.



We build our own capacity to perform and partner just as we develop that of our clients.


We prioritize host country sovereignty.


We listen to the desires, positions, interests, and needs of our clients and their partners.


Frank Page

Frank Page has over 25 years of international development experience in Africa and Asia.

For almost 20 years in Southeast Asia, as an independent consultant, Mr. Page has worked with donor projects and NGOs conducting organizational assessments, project evaluations, strategic planning, and staff training in community engagement and organization capacity building.

Mr. Page has Master Degrees in International Agricultural Development and Organization Development.

Eric Wolterstorff

Eric Wolterstorff is an expert in collective trauma, and helping leaders to manage complex, stressful, environments.

He has spent over 25 years helping individuals, teams, and businesses manage crises and achieve results. CCP’s metrics and analysis are based on Dr. Wolterstorff’s academic and practical work.

He has worked in Indonesia, post-Katrina New Orleans, Germany, and North Africa, and is the founder and CEO of Sovereignty First.

Through the Years


Dr. Wolterstorff established the precursor of CCP, The Wolterstorff Group (TWG), which applied the models and interventions to businesses, non-profits, and international programs.

TWG has worked with hospitals, universities, and businesses facing crises, including organizations in New Orleans disrupted by Hurricanes Katrina.

By 2007, TWG had refined the models and protocols into a straightforward organization development model that was accurate, able to be applied rapidly, and able to identify the most effective short- and long-terms interventions for improving organizational performance


Beginning in 2008, Dr. Wolterstorff extended TWG’s efforts to focus on developing the models and protocols to work at national and societal levels. A separate consulting firm, Sovereignty First, was launched in 2013 to implement and test these applications.


In 2011, a long-time member of the development community heard Dr. Wolterstorff speak, and convinced him that the organizational models developed by TWG were extremely applicable to development agencies and projects. He followed her advice, and, with Frank Page, worked on a major contract with AusAID in Indonesia for most of 2012. In 2013, TWG became the Collaborative Capacity Partners (CCP).


In 2013, the businesses based on Dr. Wolterstorff’s models and protocols were reformed. TWG became Shifting Cultures, an umbrella for the three collaborating organizations using and developing Dr. Wolterstorff’s models: Trauma Dynamics for individuals and families, Collaborative Capacity Partners (CCP) for organizations, and Sovereignty First (SF) for nations and societies.

Cooperative Capacity Ecosystem

Our Growing Ecosystem Is Made Up Of:


CCP-Certified Assessors

Provide custom guidebooks that lay out clear goals and sequenced actions clients can implement to improve the strength and performance of both their own organization and their external partnerships


CCP-Certified Catalysts

Help clients, when requested, implement the actions and achieve the goals detailed in the custom guidebook.


CCP’s Capacity Builders

Help our clients integrate the CCP framework into their standard management practices so they themselves can monitor the quality of their own organization and partnerships and continuously improve performance with minimum outside assistance.


CCP’s Trainers

Impart the processes and skills necessary for CCP’s clients, Assessors, and Catalysts to use the CCP framework in their organizations, programs, or consulting practices to assess and build partner and partnership performance.


A Web-Based Interactive Community

Shares learnings and experience to hone the framework and build a store of practical guidance for using the framework to assess and build cooperative capacity and performance.

Interested In Joining Our Ecosystem?

Measure Cooperative Capacity

Try our partnership assessment tool

Use this tool on your own to estimate your own ability to partner and a potential partner’s ability to partner. Then, if you’d like, contact us for two hours of free consulting on any phase of assessing and working with partners.